



脱水是失去或使用的液体比你摄入的多的结果。如果没有足够的液体,你脱水的身体很快就不能正常工作。任何饮水不足的人都可能脱水。天气炎热时尤其如此,特别是在进行剧烈运动时。脱水会导致严重的并发症,严重程度从热痉挛中暑或者可能危及生命中暑.的风险燥热引起的疾病在炎热潮湿的室外工作或锻炼时会增加。在炎热的天气里,我们出汗更多,液体流失更多——根据我们的活动量和温度,每天流失100毫升到几升不等。在炎热的气候下,工作或运动的人流失的液体最多,每小时出汗达2.5升。以这种方式失水很容易导致轻度脱水,引起头痛、易怒和注意力不集中。你瘦体重的50% - 80%是水。汗液从你的皮肤上蒸发,带走了一些热量。你出汗越多,蒸发得越多,你就越凉快。汗液主要是盐和水。当空气潮湿时,它就不能有效地蒸发。过多的出汗(多汗症),没有补充液体,将导致体温升高,需要更多的液体和脱水,这可能导致更多的并发症。 The two age groups most vulnerable to the risk of dehydration are older adults and young children, for whom the condition is especially dangerous. Younger children are unable to get a drink for themselves or tell you when they're thirsty. The most common causes of dehydration in children include diarrhoea, vomiting, and fever. Older adults naturally have less water in their bodies and may also have conditions or take medications that increase the risks of dehydration. Even minor illnesses — infections affecting the lungs or bladder, for example — can lead to dehydration in older adults. As the body ages, its fluid reserves and the ability to conserve water are reduced. The sense of thirst also becomes less acute. These problems can be compounded by chronic illnesses, such as diabetes and dementia, and by the use of certain medications. Older adults may also have mobility problems preventing them from easily replenishing fluids themselves. Also at high risk of dehydration are people with chronic illnesses, such as uncontrolled or untreated diabetes. Kidney disease and medications that increase urination also add risk. Other dehydration causes When you're sick, even from a cold or sore throat, you could feel less likely to eat or drink and therefore be more susceptible to dehydration. Fever can lead to dehydration, the problem worsening if diarrhoea and vomiting are also present. Acute diarrhoea that comes on suddenly and violently can cause significant loss of water and electrolytes in a short time. Even more so, if it’s accompanied by vomiting. Increased urination, possibly due to undiagnosed or uncontrolled diabetes, can cause dehydration. Medications, such as diuretics and some blood pressure medicines, increase urination. Swimmers are at risk. They sweat even when they’re immersed. Athletes out in the sun — runners, cyclists, football players — aren’t the only ones at risk. Bodybuilders also experience dehydration. Complications Prolonged or repeated bouts of dehydration can lead to urinary tract infections, kidney stones, even kidney failure. Seizures can result from dehydration when electrolytes — such as potassium and sodium — are out of balance. The normal cell to cell electrical signals can be derailed, causing involuntary muscle contractions and sometimes a loss of consciousness. One of the more serious, potentially life-threatening, complications of dehydration is hypovolemic shock — low blood volume shock. This is when blood pressure and oxygen in the body drop because of low blood volume.





  • 口舌干燥
  • 哭的时候没有眼泪
  • 3小时不湿尿布
  • 凹陷的眼睛、脸颊
  • 头骨上方有凹陷的软点
  • 无精打采的或易怒的


  • 极度口渴
  • 小便次数减少
  • 尿液深色
  • 乏力
  • 头晕
  • 混乱
  • 头疼


  • 糖尿病
  • 呕吐或腹泻
  • 在太阳下晒太久(中暑)
  • 喝太多酒
  • 运动时出汗过多
  • 高温:38°C或更高的温度
  • 一直在服用利尿剂




  • 1/2茶匙盐
  • 6茶匙糖
  • 1升水






当摄入大量的液体和高含水量的食物(如水果和蔬菜)时,预防脱水通常是成功的。对于大多数健康的人来说,口渴是一个足够的指南。我们大脑中的口渴控制中心控制着水的摄入量。当我们喝水的时候,它可以防止我们感到口渴。如果我们试图摄入太多的水,继续喝水会感觉很辛苦。理想情况下,你应该每3到4小时排出一些尿液,理想情况下,尿液的颜色会相对较浅。某些维生素补充剂和食物可以改变尿液的颜色,但不会影响尿的频率。在炎热的天气里,穿凉爽的衣服,尽量避免长时间呆在炎热的地方。即使你不运动,也要喝推荐量的液体。根据经验,你每天所需的水是每公斤体重35毫升。 If you plan to exercise or play sports, drink water beforehand. Replace your fluids at regular intervals during the workout and drink water or electrolyte solutions afterwards. Increase your fluid intake when you are ill, especially if you’ve been vomiting or had diarrhoea. Seek medical attention if you cannot keep down liquids.



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